
Version Windows standalone Windows installer Linux standalone Linux AppImage MacOS
10.4.3 Windows standalone Windows installer Linux standalone Linux AppImage /
9.1.0 Windows standalone Windows installer Linux standalone Linux AppImage /
9.0.0 Windows standalone Windows installer Linux standalone Linux AppImage /
8.2.1 Windows standalone Windows installer Linux standalone Linux AppImage /
8.2.0 Windows standalone Windows installer Linux standalone Linux AppImage /
8.0.0 Windows standalone Windows installer Linux standalone Linux AppImage MacOS
7.1.2 Windows standalone Windows installer / Linux AppImage /
7.1.1 Windows standalone Windows installer / Linux AppImage /
7.1.0 Windows standalone Windows installer Linux standalone Linux AppImage MacOS


If you encounter an error like:

[2739533:0713/] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.

You can either follow the instructions in the error message (but you can’t do that if you are using the AppImage):

$ sudo chmod 4755 chrome-sandbox
$ sudo chown root:root chrome-sandbox

Or try to run it with --no-sandbox option (./hextml --no-sandbox or ./hextml-8.0.0.AppImage --no-sandbox) but know that it’s risky even if I did my best to secure Hextml.